Wednesday, April 11, 2007

the Oak trial

It was already 9 when we left the cottage for the trek. We looked for places which served breakfast. Obviously we did not wanted to miss the breakfast. After a nice breakfast at Abbey Rose we set off to the end of the road where the trail begins. It was a nice morning with the sun shining in full beam.
The tourism bureau gave us a map which showed the trail to oak falls. We had to pay 25 rand per head as some fees.
Thus , with some water and snack bars and chips we started walking on the trail which was 7-8 km long - one way. It was 10.30 AM.
The initial part was bit easy - for about 1-2 km. Then started the upward climb on the mountains. I guess we crossed some 3-4 mountains on the way. The trail looks like it has been made by mountain rangers. We walked and walked and walked. we used to take breath in between, when the steep was really high. After a trek of about 2 hours we finally reached the breakfast rock where we were supposed to have breakfast if we had left early in the morning! Nevertheless we decided to take some rest and eat something. Having eaten some snack bars and drank some water we resumed the trek. It was tiring. But we had a goal to reach and there was no turning back in the middle.
We met some people on the way who were returning back from the trek. I was surprised to see the kind of preparations they had made for the trek.
The trail is superb with mountains towering all around you making you feel like nothing. Rocky mountains, blue sky, birds flying around, the song of the wind and clouds trying to kiss the mountains make a terrific view. I got soaked with beauty all around.
After another hour or of uphill climb we reached the Boesmankloof point where the wide road ends and the wild single path starts. The path was all through the bushes and it was downhill and downhill. We knew that we were going to be screwed when we return climbing this path. But we wanted to reach the falls and drink some water, for, we were out of water.
The route after Boesmankloof was very narrow and along the edge of the mountain sometimes. one wrong step and you are down there. I could hear the sound of water flowing somewhere in the valley and was very keen to get there. We knew we were near but we had to get THERE.
We met another group in which one man had cramps and was lying down on the ground unable to move further. They said they were going further to McGregor which is a town on the other side of the mountain. I really want to do it once - the full trek to McGregor.
Finally we hit the sign board saying Oak falls and which was pointing upwards!! very funny!!
The falls is really not a very big falls but just a stream flowing and falling from a height of about 10-15 feet. The pool was very circular and it was nice and wild. There was another family there taking some rest. One guy almost had stripped to get into water. But after seeing the big crabs in the pool he pulled out. I don’t think anyone would want to mess with the crabs. The water was nice and cold and refreshing after the trek. We cooled off ourselves in the water for some time, had our lunch(snacks and chips and water). We did not have much time ‘coz we had to head back to Greyton. The trek back would take at least 3.5 hours and we had to leave. otherwise we would be on the mountains in the wild and dark. South Africa is known for its wildlife and we did not wanted to have any adventure with them.
I guess we started back at around 3.30 PM. The energy levels were up after the cool off. We knew that the trek till Boesmankloof was the hardest and after that it was more or less easy. Forget climbing, walking on flat road was also becoming difficult then. Gathering all our strength we started the climb. We had no options. We had go get back.
Once i reached Boesmankloof i just crashed on the ground for sometime. But I felt good that the worst was over. From then on it was either flat or downhill. Trust me, walking down is also not easy. My knees had started trembling b’coz each step had to be controlled. You just cant walk easily. But the trouble was only with the legs. So it was easy. There was not much work for your lungs. Where as while climbing the pressure is on both legs and the lungs. We have to breath hard while climbing.
Sun was a bit hard while returning. One cannot trek without a cap. It was almost 7 PM when we reached Greyton and there was no energy left. Unfortunately our cottage was one the other end of the road - frustrating. Finally at around 7.30 we reached the cottage. It was so good to sit on something after all the walking. We had some beer and left for dinner in car :) I slept like a log that night.
This is the longest and hardest trek i have ever done - around 18 kms on the mountains. Now I know i can trek that far without any problems and i want to trek more! You just have to do it once!!

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