Wednesday, April 11, 2007


It was a long weekend here. Friday was good Friday and Monday was Family day. So we had a 4 day weekend. Lovely isn't it ?
we had booked a cottage place called Sunset House in Greyton. We started off after having breakfast and the drive was nice. It was cloudy and it rained a little on the way as well. Greyton is a nice little town/village where the road ends. Its dead-end. you cant go further on your vehicle. There is only one main road and less than ten restaurants on the main road. But i was surprised to see so many property agents' offices on that road. Property must be really costly there.
The cottage that we had booked was owned by an Indian - Benjamin Gopal. He told that he doesn't know exactly where his family came from India. It was 5 generations before. Pretty strange isn't it. You are kinda left guessing about your roots.
The cottage was in one of the very first streets of Greyton. It was a nice, cozy cottage.
We did not do much on the first day. We finished our lunch and rested for a while. In the evening we decided to brai. Brai is a very south african thing. People love braing here. Ok, to those who dont know what brai is - it is setting up some fire and make coal, put a grill on top of it and cook meat and whatever you want.
Fire has an amazing character. Its just lovely to sit around a fire and talk and drink.
We had some veggies do cook. We also had got some wine to go with the brai. It was a nice first day at greyton.
It was decided that we were going on a hiking trail the next day! I think i read a little of Sir Richard Branson's 'losing my virginity' and went to bed. The town is dead by 9 in the night.

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